
Year Authors Title Journal
2024 Payal R. Makhasana, Joseph A. Santanello, Patricia M. Lawston-Parker, and Joshua K. Roundy Deducing land–atmosphere coupling regimes from SMAP soil moisture Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
2024 Whitesel, D., Mahmood, R., Phillips, C., Roundy, J. K., Rappin, E., Flanagan, P., Santanello, J., Nair, U., & Pielke, R. Assessing Convective Environment over Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Land Uses with Land-Atmosphere Coupling Metrics: Results from the GRAINEX Journal of Hydrometerology
2022 Hosseini, A., Mocko, D., Brunsell, N.A., Kumar, S.V., Mahanama, S., Arsenault, K. and Roundy, J.K. Understanding the Impact of Vegetation Dynamics on the Water Cycle in the Noah-MP Model Frontiers in Water
2022 Roundy, J.K., Gallagher, M.A. and Byrd, J.L An innovative active learning module on snow and climate modeling Frontiers in Water
2021 Michalek, A, Husic, A, Roundy, J. K & Hansen, A Assessment of Climatic and Anthropogenic Controls on Bridge Deck Drainage and Sediment Removal Water
2021 Zhang, Y, Roundy, J. K & Santanello, J. A. Evaluating the impact of model resolutions and cumulus parameterization on precipitation in NU-WRF: A case study in the Central Great Plains. Environmental Modelling & Software
2021 Kam, J. Kim, S & Roundy, J. K. Did a skillful prediction of near-surface temperatures help or hinder forecasting of the 2012 US drought? Environmental Research Letters
2019 Zeng, Dingwen, Yuan, Xing & Roundy, J. K. Effect of Teleconnected Land-atmosphere Coupling on Northeast China Persistent Drought in Spring-Summer of 2017 Journal of Climate
2019 Roundy, J. K., Schaake, J., & Duan, Q. Hydrological Predictability, Scales, and Uncertainty Issues Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting
2018 Santanello, J. A., Dirmeyer, P. A., Ferguson, C. R., Findell, K. L., Tawfik, A. B., Berg, A., Ek, M., Gentine, P., Guillod, B., van Heerwaarden, C., Roundy, J. K., and Wulfmeyer, V Land-Atmosphere Interactions: The LoCo Perspective Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2017 Roundy, J. K., & Santanello, J. A. Utility of Satellite Remote Sensing for Land-Atmosphere Coupling and Drought Metrics Journal of Hydrometeorology
2016 Demaria, E. M., Roundy, J. K., Wi, S., & Palmer, R. N. The Effects of Climate Change on Seasonal Snowpack and the Hydrology of the Northeastern and Upper Midwest United States Journal of Climate
2016 Lievens, H., De Lannoy, G., Al Bitar, A., Drusch, M., Dumedah, G., Franssen, H.-J. H., Kerr, Y., Tomer, S. K., Martens, B., Merlin, O., Pan, M., Roundy, J. K., & Others. Assimilation of SMOS soil moisture and brightness temperature products into a land surface model Remote Sensing of Environment
2016 Demaria, E. M., Palmer, R. N., & Roundy, J. K. Regional climate change projections of streamflow characteristics in the Northeast and Midwest US Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
2016 Song, H.-J., Ferguson, C. R., & Roundy, J. K. Land-atmosphere coupling at the Southern Great Plains Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) field site and its role in anomalous afternoon peak precipitation Journal of Hydrometeorology
2015 Yuan, X., Roundy, J. K., Wood, E. F., & Sheffield, J. Seasonal forecasting of global hydrologic extremes: system development and evaluation over GEWEX basins Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2015 Lievens, H., Kumar Tomer, S., Al Bitar, A., De Lannoy, G. J.M., Drusch, M., Dumedah, G., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., Kerr, Y., Pan, M., Roundy, J. K., & Others SMOS soil moisture assimilation for improved hydrologic simulation in the Murray Darling Basin Remote Sensing of Environment
2015 Santanello, J. A., Roundy, J. K., & Dirmeyer, P. A. Quantifying the Land-Atmosphere Coupling Behavior in Modern Reanalysis Products over the U.S. Southern Great Plains Journal of Climate
2015 Roundy, J. K., Yuan, X., Schaake, J., & Wood, E. F. A framework for analyzing seasonal prediction through canonical event analysis Monthly Weather Review
2015 Roundy, J. K., & Wood, E. F. The attribution of land-atmosphere interactions on the seasonal predictability of drought Journal of Hydrometeorology
2015 Chaney, N. W., Roundy, J. K., Herrera, J. E., & Wood, E. F. High-Resolution Modeling of the Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture: Applications in Network Design and Spatial Downscaling Water Resources Research
2015 Wood E.F., Yuan X., Roundy J.K., Pan M., Luo L. Q. Seasonal Drought Forecasting on the Example of the USA Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting
2013 Roundy, J. K., Ferguson, C. R., & Wood, E. F. Impact of land-atmospheric coupling in CFSv2 on drought prediction Climate Dynamics
2013 Roundy, J. K., Ferguson, C. R., & Wood, E. F. Temporal Variability of Land–Atmosphere Coupling and Its Implications for Drought over the Southeast United States Journal of Hydrometeorology
2013 Yuan, X., Wood, E. F., Roundy, J. K., & Pan, M. CFSv2-based seasonal hydroclimatic forecasts over conterminous United States Journal of Climate
2012 Wood, E. F., Roundy, J. K., & Others Reply to comment by Keith J. Beven and Hannah L. Cloke on “Hyperresolution global land surface modeling: Meeting a grand challenge for monitoring Earth's terrestrial water” Water Resources Research
2011 Wood, E. F., Roundy, J. K., & Others Hyperresolution global land surface modeling: Meeting a grand challenge for monitoring Earth's terrestrial water Water Resources Research
Total: 27